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SAS Programming

Accessing Data

Use INFILE statement options to control processing
Use various components of an INPUT statement
Combine SAS data sets using the DATA step

Creating Data Structures
Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets
Create and manipulate SAS date values
Use DATA Step statements to export data
Control observations and variables

Managing Data
Investigate SAS data libraries using base SAS utility procedures
Sort observations in a SAS data set
Conditionally execute SAS statements
Use assignment statements in the DATA step
Modify variable attributes using options and statements in the DATA step
Accumulate sub-totals and totals using DATA step statements
Use SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date values
Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric and vice versa
Process data using DO LOOPS
Process data using SAS arrays

Generating Reports
Generate list reports using the PRINT and REPORT procedures
Generate summary reports and frequency tables using base SAS procedures
Enhance reports through the use of labels, formats, titles, footnotes
Generate HTML reports using ODS statements

Handling Errors
Identify and resolve programming logic errors
Recognize and correct syntax errors
Examine and resolve data errors.

Accessing Data Using SQL

Generate detail reports by working with a single table or joining tables
Generate summary reports by working with a single table or joining tables
Construct subqueries within a PROC SQL step
Compare using the SQL procedure versus traditional SAS programming
Access Dictionary Tables using the SQL procedure
Demonstrate advanced PROC SQL skills

Macro Processing

Creating and using user-defined and automatic macro variables
Automate programs by defining and calling macros
Understand the use of macro functions
Recognize various system options

Advanced Programming Techniques

Demonstrate advanced data set processing techniques
Reduce the space required to store SAS data sets and numeric variables
Develop efficient programs by using advanced programming techniques
Use SAS System options and SAS data set options
Control the processing of variables and observations in the DATA step
Create sorted or indexed data

The Trainers
Ms. Jun Guan
Senior Data Analyst
Senior Biostatistian
Master Degree in Statistics, U of T

Ms. Joan Lin
Ph.D. in Computer Application
Senior Scientisit
Senior Statistian
The Acchievement

Fill and Submit this Form to ask any questions about this program. Our counsellor will get back to you shortly.


The Resources
SAS provides "SAS Leaning Edition" at low cost. Please visit SAS Leaning Edition
An Introduction to SAS Certifications

SAS Solutions for Banking

SAS and Health Industry

OCOT Hotline

(phone) 416-332-8727


OCOT Advantages

100 %Instructor-Led Class
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Unlimited Lab Time
Labs Open 7-days a Week
Free Repeat
Free Job Placement
Financial Aid Possible
Resume Writing
Interview Skills

© 2008 Ontario College of Technology